About Us
A Vibrant, Thriving, Multicultural Community

Our Mission
The Passyunk Square Civic Association (PSCA) is a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, and a Registered Community Organization (RCO) with the City of Philadelphia. We strive to enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood while preserving our unique historic character and supporting a cohesive community of residents, businesses, and institutions. We create programs and services that connect both lifelong and new neighbors. We keep an eye on preserving history while fostering a shared future vision.
Who is the PSCA?
You! All Passyunk Square residents and business owners are welcomed and encouraged to participate. Whether you are a lifelong resident or new to the neighborhood, you are a member of PSCA. We are run by a duly-elected group of volunteers. We welcome your participation in all PSCA General Meetings and Zoning Meetings which are free and open to the public.
How do I get involved?
Join us for our in-person monthly General Meetings at the South Philadelphia Older Adult Center (SPOAC), 1430 E. Passyunk Ave.
Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month (except July and August) at 6:30 pm.
Speakers are typically announced via email and on Facebook the Friday before the meeting.
Our monthly newsletter comes out the morning of the meeting.
Meeting minutes are archived here.
Find out about neighborhood happenings here. ​
Questions or concerns? Want to chat about the neighborhood? Reach out to contact@passyunk.org
Thanks for stopping by!
Meet our Leaders
2022-2023 Board of Directors
Suzanne M. Tavani (President)
Catherine Wargo Roberts (Vice President)
Jojy Varghese (Treasurer)
James Gastner (Secretary)
Danielle Abrams
Graham Bailer
Ben Bryant (Chair, Planning)
David Goldfarb (Chair, Zoning)
Holly Keefe (Chair, Communications)
Elam Bookvar-Klein
Christine Knapp (Past President)
Rebecca Nagy Visco
Committees and Contact Information
Beautification | email beautification@passyunk.org​
Zoning | email zoning@passyunk.org
Communications | email communications@passyunk.org
To inquire about other committees and ways to get involved, email president@passyunk.org